Friday, December 30, 2005

Crazy boys...

So I never really thought I had player status. I thought I was just... free spirited? Till I decided to leave the country.




From R calling me trying to see me one last time (not gonna happen buddy), to ALG calling me crying... CRAYING!? ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME! I never talk to him... To an old friend confessing his love and asking me on a date the night I have to pack (seriously now, I had to pack up my life) to J calling me drunk making sure I'm coming to see him on new years.

Where the eff did they come from!

I wish I had just left the country and hadn't told anyone. My friends are all giving me guilt trips too, especially the Jamaica girls.

AND I got an HP laptop and jenn just freaked me out about it.


I might not be blogging for awhile, until atleast after Jan 3 :) MISS ME!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

hey ms. playa ;)

ok, don't be freaked about the hp...but my friend trevor has one that reboots on him all the time. so if that happens, get the fan checked. i have an hp...and it's ok. but a Powerbook that's a machine!

anyhoo...don't're sounding slightly's probably a crazy rush, but just take some time to stop and breathe every few hours. calm yourself and congratulate yourself for getting into med school!! that's very cool nic!