Monday, December 19, 2005


Ran into some other girl's blog about running a marathon - which I've wanted to do since forever. So I looked up some jank on google (haha jank) and not only looked at what she was using to train but also

Lets see if I can keep this up. I think I'll keep it a secret from my friends, they always say I'll give up. Maybe I can prove them wrong :(?

I am lazy though... *sigh*

1 comment:

jamieferguson said...

Hey, saw your post on my blog about my little one....

About a marathon!!....
well, I am also in training for the next Nike Womans Marathon. A HUGE BITE to take, since I have never done one either, but it is my goal. There are some great sites that can help you train for such an event and help you from being a couch potato to an avid runner (not that you are a couch potato) but just a definition of one extreme to the other. My hubby decided to loose a bunch of weight and now has run 2 marathons this past 6 months, if he can do can I and so can you! I did a 5K this Thanksgiving and that felt pretty awesome..look up and that can point you to many local events you might have in the DC area.

I wish you the best and hope that you follow your dreams!

Keep running or even START!
