Saturday, December 24, 2005

It's raining!

Men that is...

I can't seem to get away from them. I must have some kind of "take me now" vibe. I need to learn not to care about any of them... it seems that's the best way for me to keep them. Lets update on all their status' with me shall we?

J is still in the lead with his adorable messages and conversations and PICTURE (*gasp*) hot hot hot - but no really, he's doing really well for himself. Very bad timing (in case I DO do the whole med school thing) and if not bad timing bad LOCATION - being 3 hours away is no bueno. Maybe that's why I like him.

R knocked me off my beam for a bit and had my head spinning. I can honestly say he's one of the 2 real crushes i've had this year, and he ruined that - miserably. The second he knew he had me in the bag the attention stopped and I was left with a miserable, self depreciating feeling that I DIDN'T LIKE AT ALL! Good thing I know how to knock myself out of that rut (hello pxxi) and a couple days later he's back to showing me with attention and etc... over it. Sucks too... he was so promising!

ALG (i gave him 3 letters because he has the same initials as my high school sweetheart and I don't want to confuse) is such a sweeeeeeeeetheart! :(. A very VERY annoying sweetheart that somehow rubbed me the wrong way. I get good morning text's, phone calls that last for only a brief amount of time because he doesn't want to bother me knowing how "busy" i am (guilty expression inserted here). He sends me messages constantly counting down to my birthday and spent loads of money on me (yet another guilty expression inserted here). man o man... if only i liked this one!

there have been a few here and there that i've ignored - the guy i met out the other week but was semi attractive, V's friend. ANYWAY how the hell does this happen?

When I was swooning over R it was DEAD, it's like they all knew I was a stupid girl that was itching for R's phone calls and couldn't wait for him to kiss me or take me out or cuddle or ACK I WAS ALMOST IN A RELATIONSHIP!

I'm weirded out now after coming to that realization.

I need a drink.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

hahahah...holy shit are a man magnet these days...

(shhh..i am too...but i dont like ANY of them....xcept my best friend who i'm not going there with) lol

have we stumbled upon something?? hahaha