Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I am so annoying.

I don't even get myself.

Yesterday I was beating myself up over R and how I didn't understand where things were going, then today he e mails me something and I'm over it. I don't give a rat's ass if I talk to him or not. I think about how he's not really that cute, and all my other options and blah blah blah. THEN - I know I shouldn't but - I check his myspace and I see the "other girl" and I'm jealous all over again and wanna win.


What the hell. I hate you KP for doing this to me.

No only that but I've been talking to J (I'll get into this more later) and we're on the phone for HOURRRRSS talking about nothing, and I'm getting the biggest crush (kinda)- but that too has complications and is a very annoying situation.

Then AG is still around - and I HAVE to be nice to him, he spent so much effing money on me... dammit. So I need to respond to text messages and talk to him and EW HE'S SO ANNOYING! But seriously why don't I like him? He's always showering me with attention, he's always wanting to take me out and spend money on me, why why why why DO I GET SO ANNOYED BY IT!

I am such a stupid girl. God this is annoying.

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