Sunday, December 25, 2005

When is enough enough?

CPE text me just now...

"Merry CHRISmas and Happy B-DAY CPE"

He knows I call him CPE, he reads my other blog religiously. I feel aweful that he's alone for the holidays. He has no family really - he's really screwed up. I care about him so much, but he's CRAZY! HE DOESN'T GET THAT I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH HIM!

I tried being nice to him, but he kept pushing me. He actually almost won me back at one point, but did the same BS the second he thought he'd won me back. The boy is too pretty for his own good, and he knows it.

It's been 2 years, he was the boyfriend right before KP. YOU THINK HE'D GET IT!

So I'm sitting here, wanting to be nice to him. Wanting to call him and make sure he's ok, that things where he's been stationed are fine - but I know he'll take it all the wrong way and think he has a shot again. THEN I'LL NEVER GET HIM OFF MY BACK.

I feel awful. How can you care for someone and hate them at the same time? He disgusts me... but I want the best for him?



Jenn said...

welcome to the Stalked Club...looks like you've got a mini-stalker on your hands...although he seems kind exbf is a good stalker (if you're going to be stalked)...but totally annoying...been there. so what i did when an ex exbf stalked me was that i just quit returning his calls...and he was ultimately just fine. AND still just as sweet to me when he saw me a year later as he was when he was calling, emailing, checking my then-blog, and IMing me non-stop.

leave pretty boy alone to find another pretty girl...he'll totally be fine. (listen to me...hahahah. giving advice...but THIS is something i have experience with...had 2 exbf mini-stalkers...sigh. same thing worked for both of them)

Nic said...

No he is a complete and utter stalker, he would go to KP's work and they actually got into it... twice. I was there once and ran out before I could escalate the situation and the other time CPE went back when I wasn't there and KP called me telling me what happened... after the police left.

He really is a nut case - but I understand why he's crazy, he has no one. I feel really bad for him because he's got issues y'know?

That and I tamed the player - no one since me has been able to make him commit and he thinks I'm special because of it.

*side note* this is the guy that stole my dog if you read any of my previous blogs

Jenn said...

holy crap nic...sounds like maybe he won't be fine...but ummm...maybe you'd better run far, far away. that's nutz. i dont think he's paying you well enough to be his shrink...cuz that sounds like what he needs...yikes!

leave it...and anonymously send him a card of a good

PinkBunny said...

Wow CPE's the dog stealing guy? He's messed up!

I don't know what else to say... hope you find a solution.