Monday, January 30, 2006


So I haven't been here in awhile - almost a month from a time when I came on about 4 - 5 times a day to vent my frustrations.

Things here are pretty good - I mean it's definitly a change. The plane ride over took about 12 hours (ack) the drive to my hotel was scary to say the least (I thought antigua was all dirt roads, chickens and goats) and my first night was definitly memorable. A fellow OLDER (yuck yuck vomit gross) classmate called my room (pedophile, sexist, nasty pig) and asked if I would like to come to his room and jump around naked.

*moment of dramatic silence*

yes you heard me right, I said he found my room number, figured out how to somehow call my hotel room, and asked me if I wanted to come over and get naked.

Another moment of silence for the scary man

He said the words "I wanted to know since we're both new here if you want to come over and get naked"


So yeah, little ol' pampered me got scared shitless, a million mosquitos had a feast at my expense, and I woke up at 2 am to find that my room had no toilet paper and I had to use the rest room... BAD.

Anyway it all brightened up when it got light out, I got my permanent housing (which is on a resort by the way) and I hightailed it away from scary naked guy as fast as I could.

He's in all my classes.

I want to puke when I see him - ew ew gross ack!

So yeah, housing is nice. I have a big bed, with a balcony overlooking the jolly harbour. My front yard is a tropical beach. Good thing I can't enjoy it - DAMMIT. I've been here 4 weeks and i've been to the beach 4 times. One time counts as today where I said fuck it, got off the bus, marched my ass straight onto the beach, plopped down and watch my first sunset on the water. In the east coast all you get are sun rises.

I took chronological pictures - dammit. IT WAS PRETTY!

There is only ONE I mean ONE attractive guy here, and he's not even that cute. He has funky teeth, and last week he made a pass at me (speaking of, this island must have pheromones floating around it cause GODDAMN I'M ITCHIN FOR ASS) and he ended up being the worst kisser and weirdly aggressive hook up i've ever had.

I didn't like it.

Now he grosses me out. Ew yuck.

He also thinks I like him because I guess sometime before I made a comment that went something like this:
"I don't kiss someone unless I mean it."

Yeah well I forgot to mention how long I mean it...

Anyway it wasn't worth arguing while we were on the beach right after hooking up sooooooooo... I let it slide. It's easier getting rid of him if he thinks he's doing it anyway - even if he did have a small penis.

No really - he did - what a waste. He has an awesome body, freaking big ass hands and feet, pretty blue eyes

and a small penis



ok enough of that... I need to study for my exam on thurs.

And I miss music - did I mention that?

and steak

and pizza hut

and mcdonalds





nic out.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

hahahaha....dear god. i don't think i've laughed so hard at a post in a looong time...but the laughing is not so much cuz it's funny...but because it's true....oh gosh nic. the price you have to pay to become a doctor. and the dudes there...hahaha...oh lord...especially Mr. Small...what a disappointment...funky teeth and a small D...disappointing. and seriously, watch your back for mr. pedophile...he sounds fucking scary, yo.

well....congrats on being accepted into that school...and hang in there. thanx so much for the update.