Saturday, January 13, 2007


Last night my girls got me drunk. ooooooooooo boy.

People at school have never met DC nic. I have many personalities... I guess you can say I blend into the environments I'm in. I'm still myself in a sense but either toned down or up.

At school I'm work oriented. I study, I barely go out, I don't let on anything more than I have to. At home I'm the same, only I have more fun. I'm still the most responsible in our group, but then we have M the partier (she's the one that came to visit with her friend A), B who's the most like me, and another girl H who comes and goes.

So last night M guilt tripped me: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic, I'm came all the way heeeeeeeeeere! This is my last niiiiiiiiiight. Drink with meeeeeeeeeeee."
To which I found myself responding: "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine"

I gave the alky permission to get me drunk. DC nic came out.

I wore a skimpy top (unheard of here because I hate getting attention). Halter, no bra, with the bottom part being see through lace. Yes you could see my stomache, the belly ring ("YOU have a belly ring?!"), and double stick tape had to be used to make sure my breasts didn't pop out. I wore makeup, did up the eyes like I was going downtown. I wore heels, tight jeans, did my hair, needless to say I cleaned up.

I did shots, drank like I do back home - and basically left most of my classmates with their jaws on the floor asking me what I did with the nic they knew. Of course M was confused and confronted a few of them saying: "what are you talking about, she's always like this."

Main points that happened last night:
- The GM of the store fell in love with me and we had free drinks all night but my friend A thought the GM was hot, so I pulled him aside and asked him to flirt with her. OK OK I was drunk - but I wanted her to have a good time, it was her last night, she just wanted attention - not ass, and I she had already made her intentions known. She's gained a little bit of weight recently. She went from like a size 0 to a size 5, so she's still small, but she feels self conscious. I'm not sure if bribing the GM with attention from me later so she would get attention last night was such a good idea.
- My classmates saw I could dance, and were SHOCKED. "I never thought you could tear up the dance floor like that nic, daaaaaaaamn." Again, M was confused: "Are you kidding me, she shakes her ass like there's no tomorrow."
- A classmate danced with me and tried to make out with me. I pecked him. I think about this today and I want to vomit. Dating within the ranks of our med school is no bueno. I can't stop cringing. EW EW EW GROSS.
- I called TB's school apartment in germany drunk as hell 4:30 am our time, like 9 something AM his time. Drunk dials are no bueno. Thankfully he didn't pick up, but that prompted a girl talk with A (M's friend) which made me cry. Not not little tears, those massive I'm drunk sobs. That was also very embarrassing. but it's ok, cause she cried too.
- One of us broke my toilet seat and I almost fell in. Also no bueno.

regardless, no more drinking for me. Done. People keep sending me messages to go out tonight, but no. I am in hiding. I think I'll just study path.



Hero to the Masses said...

The double life of Nic. Antigua med student, and D.C. booty shaker. It sounds like you had fun. I rarely go nuts when I go out, usually because I'm driving which probably is a good thing. Because throwing up the next morning is never good.

no bueno.

And a belly ring? I for one, am shocked.

PinkBunny said...

Wow this all sounds very exciting! I wish my double identity was so exhilarating. Mine's more along the lines of "wow she got onto the dance floor?"

Drunk dialing, classmate kissing, and toilet breaking don't sound so fun though. No bueno on those.

Actually... EWWWWW on the classmate kissing. Awkward! Is he hot?

Nic said...

I mean no, not really. He's tall and skinny which is my type... but he's not cute.

It's not like we actually MADE OUT... he went for the kill and I pecked him and walked away. Conveniently we were leaving the bar at that time anyway... meh.

I had "stolen" his hat from him that night that read "fuck you you fucking fuck." Drunk nic found that to be very funny and ran around the bar taking "ghetto" pictures with it throwing weird east side, west side gang signs. Regardless I had to see him monday before class and give it back to him. When he saw me he got a big grin on his face and tried to make small talk. I laughed mentioning how drunk i was and walked away mid sentence.

He hasn't tried to talk to me since, I think he got the message