Monday, January 15, 2007

100 days

Last night... the GM from coast called me and asked me out.

I was shocked.

1. I never gave him my number. He took it upon himself to contact a classmate (the school prez) to "get the AMSA prez's number". Slick one he is... using my position to contact me (dammit).
2. I could barely understand his thick british/venezuelan accent
3. I was mid video cam talk with navy boy


So I quickly muted the video cam, and tried to figure out the fasted way off the phone since being rude wouldn't help me in this situation. See, I AM the AMSA prez, which means I have to fundraise, and who do we use for our fundraisers? The restaurant the GM so happens to work for.


I guess bribing him to flirt with my friend with attention from me later WASN'T such a good idea.


How'm I gonna get myself out of this one? --- i'm supposed to call him tonight.

Damn school, political, fundraising, charity, drunkass me shit.


Hero to the Masses said...

Your life is very exciting to hear about. There are guys on videocams. There are dudes calling Vonage phones that look like cell phones.

You won't be lonely anytime soon. You better be careful. Don't piss him off, which I'm sure you wouldn't do. But don't promise anything. Maybe wait a week and say you met a guy?

I'm lost...I usually don't get calls back.

PinkBunny said...

I'm lost too. Your life's way too exciting for me to handle. Way cool to hear about though.