If you keep up with the little chat thingie I recently put up (thanks PB :) ), you'll have noticed that after my great accomplishment (YAY RECENT COMMENTS!!! - thanks G) I saw a mouse. It looked a little like this:
Yes I freaked out - only a little... and then I laughed at myself for it.
Well I called my landlord and I guess while I was at school she came by and set up a sticky trap. If you've ever thought of buying one of these horrible traps - DON'T.
I come home with my roomie unaware with a fellow classmate. We're studying for our final tomorrow when we hear "SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK" coming from one of our cabinets.
My roomate starts screaming and jumps on the couch, my classmate (JO) jumps on a chair freaking out, and after my initial scream I just sit there and laugh at them. I also went ahead and got my camera to video tape their hysteria.
So I (i guess because I laughed at them) was told to go figure out where mousy was. I open the cabinet and see this little mouse (ok i screamed a little again when i actually saw it) STUCK to some kinda glue thing with food in the middle. The poor little thing was struggling to get out. Now I don't want mrs. mouse in my house... but I also don't want to kill her.
mrs mouse:
The last thing she'll remember:
So I slam the cabinet doors shut and make my roomie and JO look at the mouse. The screamed a lot more and then also set into a mild depression thinking of mrs. mouse's fate.
20 minutes later I went to go check on mrs. mouse (i was scared she got away and was running around the house) and to my amazement - there were 2 new additions to the death trap... *cue sad music* her babies.
Now if the mild squeaking was distracting before - the little ones were squeaking more and I was completely heartbroken. We try to think of ways to kill the mouse family so they didn't have to starve to death because:
a. we're all in micro and know mice are HUGE vectors for all kinds of diseases and none of us wanted to touch them to let them loose (which we tried to do later and it didn't work)
b. slowly dying of starvation while stuck in some kind of glue is NOT the way to go.
We thought of drowning them, but there's no bucket... running them over, bashing them with something hard, leaving them outside so something would eat them -- but none of us wanted to be responsible for their death. So we did what any other woman would do in this situation, we called a man.
I don't know what happened to the mouse family. I don't want to know. I'm still a little upset over it...
poor mousy
Friday, December 01, 2006
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I told you to get live traps. Very, very, very disappointed in you.
it's not like IIIIIIII set the trap. I figured out by the squeaking :(
That's what your average German said in roughly 1944.
... horrible
Yes, it is. ... and thousands died to liberate THEIR victims.
wow, that's a tough one. I love animals. I'm with Galactic on this one, i think live traps are the way to go. Although, you are left with the dilemma of "what to do with the mouse/mice"
you know, it's possible that you might be able to give or sell them to a pet store. They would be used as snake food but still.....
You know, it just sucks to be at the bottom of the food chain.
lol, I live in Antigua... There are no pet stores -- and if there was, they're probably have their own mice to sell
You can do what I did and set them free in a natural habitat at least a mile from yours... and preferably anyone else's.
how did this turn around to me being a monster?
You were always a monster... this just made it obvious. Now you have to fix it and come back from the dark side.
...i can't stop laughing.
AND i'm haunted by all those images. thanks for the nightmares. and my local hardware store also thanks you for my upcoming purchase of "rodent control."
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