Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays!


of course it seems that many of you knew I would do that... thank you for the vote of confidence.

31 people failed micro, 29 immuno - I haven't heard the numbers for path yet but i'm sure it'll be much less.

One of the unfortunate failures was my roommate. She failed micro. I have absolutely no idea how - but she did. She's now in the process of freaking out/trying to figure out what to do. There's another school she can transfer to that is not accredited, but will get her into clinicals at the same time she was supposed to. I don't know what she's going to do... I feel horribly for her. She has a banshee of a mother that nags her to death - and comes from a very strict indian family.

It makes me get butterflies just thinking about the hell she's currently going through.


In other news home is going well - if you call having less sleep than I had during finals well. My parents surprised me when I came home by building up their 2 level basement into a little mini apartment for me. They wake me up at the crack of dawn - I am dragged out by friends by midday, and usually do not get to bed until 2. I've had dinners I've HAD to attend, family to see, and presents to buy all within the 2 days everyone wants to see me the most and people seem to be shopping the most. I stayed at home for the first time today since I've been in town, but had 2 friends sleep over, half the extended family come to see me and enough chores to send me into a tailspin.

CPE has realized I am using the same number, and as always has started calling/texting. I have been hit on by your typical DC types - they don't seem to like it when I laugh in their faces when the flashing of money or mention of military experience comes into play, and thankfully the mother hasn't shoved any marriage prospects at me. I think she realizes that I'm too cranky to deal with that stuff due to lack of sleep.

Needless to say life is hectic...

I will also be turning 24 in 10 short minutes... oooooooooh boy.

Anyway - happy holidays to all I should be playing in the blog world a lot more (we'll see)



Caro said...

happy birthday, nic! (and congrats on the classes!)

PinkBunny said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the 24 club! We don't really have club jackets or anything, but we're really cool regardless.

Hero to the Masses said...

Happy Birthday! Glad to see someone else gets screwed for gifts around Christmas.

And Happy New Year, if I don't talk to you. Which, in this virtual relationship, means if I don't comment again on your blog.

Nic said...

why glad that I get SCREWED!!!!!

but yeah, the whole "here's a present for both" thing kinda sucks - because i have to buy people presents back
