Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Things are really hectic at home. My flights went well, and my friend got me shitty on the flight during a layover on caramel bailey's and some passion fruit liquer I bought in Puerto Rico. I slept for much less than I thought I would before being picked up by my friend this morning and driven around being showed off like a cute little puppy.

Anyway - I might not be in the blogosphere for awhile. :) YAY HOME!


PinkBunny said...

You're a cute little puppy!

Caro said...

that sleepy puppy was way cute. and it makes me want one. but then i remember they poop. so no.

as if any of that had anything to do with you being shown off like a little puppy.

anyway, have a nice time at HOME! (lucky!)

BionicBuddha said...

Congrats and welcome home! Interesting blogiste and thanks for sharing!