Sunday, February 25, 2007


Said through AIM convo:
"Navy's cell": I think im falling in love with you
Nic: me too...
I know it's not possible, I know it's in my head - and I am fully aware this weird little feeling that keeps building might just go away when we see each other again.

But I don't know if I should fight it... or move along with it.

59 days and I guess I'll get my answer.


giedre said...

ok i gotta comment on this..
arghhhh i've been in this situation before and i "burned to the ground" cause i was foolish and immature!!

don't fall in love too fast, but don't fight the feeling either. if it's meant to be, it'll happen.. just hold your breath for now :)

Hero to the Masses said...

Woah....the "l" word. Well, I think seeing him might help things. It's easy to get spun up about things when the person isn't there. So, just take some deep breaths, and see how it goes.