Thursday, February 08, 2007

76 days

There comes a time in every woman's life where she admits:

I want a baby

Not now of course, but the hospital rounds this morning landed us in the neonatal unit. We were doing the usual - standing in the corner - listening to the doctor preach - while the uncomfortable patient feels like 7 students are staring at her - bit *breath*, when it happened.

I looked at the patients belly, all round and bloated, and wanted a baby.

Then I freaked out.
Yes I did.

It didn't help that a few seconds later when the doctor checked for her baby's heart beat - and we finally heard it - I got all teary eyed.

I am a freak.

I got to feel the next patients belly though. SOOOOOOOOO COOL

A friend came and sat next to me and I got distracted... I forgot where I was going with this. whoops - short blog, sorry

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