I know this sounds awful, but I feel like I'm only speaking to him bccause I want to recycle him when I go home.
Have you heard about recycling?
Girls basically do it to keep their numbers down. We repeatedly sleep with people we've already slept with because it's "ok" we've already done it, we're not adding a number.
I know if I recycle him it'll be a very very very bad thing. But my recycling options are limited, my need is great, and he's an easy target.
I am a horrible horrible person...

I knew I shouldn't have burned all my bridges!
I actually read somewhere that going back to an ex is safer than trying out a stranger, because you know each other pretty well already.
Hmm... as long as he also knows he's being recycled... then it's all good, right?
no because I know he still has hope we'll get back together... that's where the I'm a horrible person part comes in. Even if I AM honest this will be a bad thing...
As long as I don't make the first move I'm ok right? meh?
bah! I hate thisblackhole of an island!
Wow that's a tough call. Even though HE's making the decision, you're concious of your inaction to stop him from hurting himself.
I don't know why I felt the need to reword it. I'm weird today, and leaving weird comments everywhere.
Ok. I vote for someone new! If he's going to be hurt, it's better not to have that on your conscience.
But if he's the only one available that you'd like... then... ahhh!
Make sure he knows he has no chance to get back together with you? Somehow? Am I even helping?
Recycling... hmmm. I dated the wrong women... What's the big deal with numbers? Diseases. That's what you should worry about. Diseases. If you can bed 999,999,999,999,999 men and the last one gives you gonnaherpesyphilAIDS, you suck. If you get gonnaherpesyphilAIDS from number one, you still suck.
I'm a big hater of the "break glass" tactic, where women keep a "safety" guy around, so that when things get hard and they need either a shoulder to cry on or ... you get the idea, they can fill the need. "In case of emergency, break glass." Been that guy toooooo many times. Not that I'm complaining. It's kept my numbers up.
If you expect the first move from him, and you then get it, why does that make you less of a horrible person? If you want a quickie, and he wants a quickie, it's all good. If he wants the marriage, 3.5 kids, dog, house, 2 cars, etc. and you want a quickie, and you don't clarify the situation, you're still a floozie. Can I use the word "floozie," or is that one out of vogue?
The bastard in me wants to encourage you to get your "numbers" up. Now -I- am, unquestionably, a bad person.
I dunno if it's so much the number as it is with the attachment...
I get attached - with recycling, the whole attachment part is already over and done with and you don't really care whether you get continuous... "care"
he definitly does NOT = safety glass. He's a bomb waiting to go off, I bring in more drama when I start speaking to him than when I ignore him.
If I sleep with him, I will label myself a floozie - I know he wants more. I might be saying this because I'm not horny but... eh - who knows. I might really need to get laid the very moment he decides to make a move
Invest in a vibrator and some batteries. People have a way of acting unpredictably, and that's the sort of drama we all like to avoid...
but... but... vibrators make you lose sensitivity!
The former option is much more satisfying
Unless you're him.
Yes well that's where the whole horrible person part comes in.
I feel its mind over body.
It's his fault! He shouldn't give it up knowing he's going to get hurt!
I deflect all blame onto him... HE should know better?
I'm digging a deeper whole...
Hey, men think south of the belt. I know ... I am one. It's a known quantity that you're manipulating. Bad you. Bad!
I hate how I spelt hole wrong.
I'm not manipulating! He's pushing the whole "i want to see you when you get home and take you out to dinner" thing.
notice the appropriate use of "whole"
And you have expectations about his expectations, which you know you will frustrate. Bad you. BAD!
Since when did I become a moral compass? What the hell. I hit middle age and I'm Confucious all of a sudden.
I never said I would DO it... but I really THINK I will.
I'll take my spanking after I get laid. IF I get laid. Bad me.
Morals might stand in the way. That would suck.
... Particularly in my line of work. Which actually may change not so subtly very soon.
Hey, you're the one who has to look you in the mirror every day. And if you get stalked by Mr. Freeky Deeky, you remember we had this conversation. On publicly read blogs, BTW...
yeah yeah... i'm a horrible person, I know
Are you sure you're a person? Could you be a demon or something? We're talking new levels of horrible here...
How is it a guy can sleep with girls he knows want him for more that sex and be called a player.
and me, who tells the guy to his face I want nothing, have wanted nothing, will never be with him again, am totally up front
am SOOO bad cause i want to get laid.
Gender politics is unfair.
Men don't get pregnant.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Do you really want to measured by the standards men follow? How many times today do you think I scratched my crotch, burped, or farted?
you just proved my point.
Fine, be a floozie. I sort of enjoy that word. FLOOOOOO - zie. Fuh loooooo zie.
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