Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Went to grandlittle's birthday "party" tonight. JE showed up with R. My heart dropped.

Just when I thought I was a heartless bitch... I guess I do have feelings.


Galactichero said...

What is thie, Sesame Street? JE and R don't even spell anything.

C - At C - AT CAT!

I guess I'm saying you lost me...

Nic said...

Hmm... read old posts mr. procrastinator

Galactichero said...

Will they teach me how to spell?


Case continued. Never say "I have no preference between..." options that you're giving someone when you DO have preference. I knew that was going to happen...

Caro said...

like seeing a ghost? friendly or scary?

feelings are a bitch. not you.


Nic said...

now G, YOU'VE lost me

caro - I just find it odd how sometimes I act like a stupid girl, and other times I just don't care.

With R... I guess I still care

PinkBunny said...

It's ok Nic. You're not a stupid girl at all. Just human.

Plus, if we were to have a stupid girl competition, I'd win. So... you're still OK.

Galactichero said...

You're all stupid girls. I am not. Bow before me. [wow, am -I- in a wierd mood...]

Nic, will reading your old posts teach me how to spell? Perhaps words with J, E and R? Like "Rejection," or "Juicer," or "Joker"...? Jeepers. Japornime. Jurisprudence. Ok, carried away...

Caro said...

there should be a pill for not caring. apparently men take them. apparently with their stupid pills.

Galactichero said...

There is a pill for not caring. It's called Prozac. I do not take them, nor do I recommend them.

How can we be the stupid ones? You guys were all just saying YOU were the stupid ones...

You said apparently twice. Who's stupid?

Caro said...

you guys be stupid, we'll be crazy. it's like that.


Galactichero said...

I think you're stupid AND crazy. We're just immature...

PinkBunny said...

Immature and lazy

Galactichero said...

Coming from someone who was recently whining and moping around doing nothing for weeks? I recommend you concede immature describes us...

Caro said...

who's "we" again?

dude, i read your comments sometimes and laugh. and then think, "what a dick."

but you like that, don't you?

PinkBunny said...

I think he takes pride in it.

I never said I wasn't lazy, Galactichero. But you're the one picking apart everything we say in every thread, so it's not like you're doing much in your spare time either.

Galactichero said...

Hey now, no thinking about my dick... [I could now do a monologue about how impressive it actually IS, but that would be lowbrow...] HAH!!!! I KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!

1) I multitask.
2) I type fast.
3) I'm winding up my job, and have nearly all of my outstanding circuit cases either settled, or am in sentencing for them anyway...
4) It amuses me.
5) Lazy? On Saturday, despite being weak because of giving blood I helped a friend move and prepared for a two day jury trial. On Sunday I was in day 4 of a preparing for a two day jury that didn't go. After work, I mowed my lawn yesterday, and proofed a marital settlement agreement for my roommate, while studying for my accounting class, and today I gave advice to a friend on modifying foreign support orders while weeding my gravel driveway. I was a high school dropout with a college degree by 20, had my first oral argument in court by 21, and was a licensed, practicing attorney by 23. I've co-written a book, collaborated on another, worked on about a dozen appeals, including a few to the US Supreme Court. I'm 3 weeks into my 30s. I represent roughly 160 criminal defendants a month. Lazy? What have YOU done in addition to your 14 hour workday lately...?

Sorry, I went a little overboard. You were questioning my integrity again...

PinkBunny said...
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PinkBunny said...


I'll never make that mistake again, Gal (hey I always wanna shorten your name - I guess I'm the lazy one - but you'd beat me up if I call you "Gal", right?)

But if we DO want to get into my extracurricular activities... I used to be an internationally competitive gymnast and now I judge competitions and coach in my spare time. I've been to 22 countries and I'm only 23. One more and I would've gone to 1 country per year I was alive.

So don't question my integrity.

I may be a bum now, but I wasn't always (and won't always be) one.

... yikes mood swings!

Galactichero said...

People often shorten it to "GH."

I almost became a semi-pro roller-hockey player... twice. Good plan. No semi-pro roller hockey anymore.