Saturday, April 15, 2006

I want home :(

I feel like this will be a depressing blog. I'm not even sure what I need to write about - I can't even think of a catchy title (that's pretty bad).

Basically... I want home.

I want it so bad it hurts.

The people here are... horrible. You can't trust anyone. From believing one of my closest friends here stole my IPOD and cheated, to scary naked guy, to freaky MD, to everyone else on this god forsaken island.


I feel like I'm going home for a vacation. To be around MY kind of people. Honest, trustworthy, dependably, selfless... I dunno.

I've never been one to doubt I need people. I do. I need attention, affection, conversation... everything you expect from people you eventually become close to. In turn I offer dependability, trust, humor... I dunno.


The govt. here is awful - they're selfish greedy bastards that don't give a shit about their people. The people here are poor and deprived. The men here make me want to vomit and are probably the horniest NASTIEST people I've ever encountered - marraige obviously means nothing here. Half the medical students shouldn't be allowed near a patient with the amount of immaturity we have running rampant throughout our school. The drama that escalates at our school is UNHEARD of.

Things I heard today about the cheater:
- She told us she attended last semester leaving after a couple days - instead I hear she attended the full semester and was failing, then took a leave of absence so she didn't get a failing mark.
- She was looking at her clipboard (the cheating device) during the lab exam, and that there was no way she didn't know there was writing on there.

I dunno... I'm trying to think of ways to get ahold of her husband's IPOD to see if the serial number is the same as mine.

I kinda feel better... I need to study for my two finals monday *sigh*


PinkBunny said...

Sorry to hear about your awful time there. Hope you have tons of fun when you go home.

I guess sometimes we just have to live with the fact that life sucks. That fact itself sucks and I hate it, but maybe we become stronger people when we live through stuff like this?

I don't know... just here to read your blog and tell you, "be strong".

Galactichero said...

See, you went to my blog and commented, respectfully, on my inanity, and I return the favor to haunt yours and you're all serious and shit...

So let me get this straight... you're at achool. People at school suck. So you want home. I missed the part about the island, but may have to read more of your blog to get that.

A story: I was always in trouble as a kid. Literally, I got kicked out of 1st grade. After a lot of time in boarding school to prevent me from killing someone or getting killed, I was put into public school for ... 11th grade, if I remember. I promptly got suspended, so I dropped out and wormed my way directly into a small liberal arts college-- the point: After being at that college for a year and a half I transferred to a huge-ass school. The first week I was there I hated it. I had panic attacks. I actually got in my car to drive home 3 times. I didn't know anyone, I didn't know how a place like that worked, people didn't like me, basic easy shit was hard there. After a while, it got better. Then I graduated, left, and almost never go back so that place can cease to exist as far as I care.

The point: grit your teeth, duck your head and get through it.

Oh, and beat the shit out of the bitch who stole your fucking IPOD already...

Nic said...

yes well - gritting has commenced, my witty sarcasm (ha!) usually comes out during happy moments where I can reflect upon experiences on a lighter note.

That and I just needed to bitch and since this hellhole is like a big game of telephone, venting to someone just wouldn't quite work.

Would like to mention however a plan has been set in motion to go to her place of residence (a resort where her husband works no less) and see if the serial # of "her" IPOD and mine match up.

Galactichero said...

No no no. Elbows. Use elbows. A flat striking surface AND a sharp slashing surface, AS WELL AS a pointy stabbing surface. Not checking serial numbers... elbows.

Nic said...

lol... funny you mention elbows...

nah too long a story - too lazy to type, but ha!

Galactichero said...

Elbows are my favorite... No, breasts are my favorite. Elbows are my favorite anatomical WEAPON.