Thats because I never talk about them. Ever. Why don't I talk about them? Because they're old news. R was a guy I had a massive crush on and got over, over a year ago, and KFP, KFP is a long story. He's one of the main reasons I started this blog back in the day. He's pretty much the one that broke me, before him I was innocent, naive, and your perfect, baggageless, soon to be college graduate (unless you throw CPE in as baggage).
So lets back this up. I go to class one day and find this e mail:
Yeeeeeep - so that was a tiny shocker, and one I meant on blogging about - but it wasn't really a big deal. I just found it humorous that he wrote me to see if he could find a place to crash. But I was cordial and wrote back (today - he sent this 3 day ago) and said yeah whatever, bring blankets to sleep on cause i have none, and you can crash on the couch but not during school or when the roomies are here. So I gave him a 3 day non-negotiable window. End of april or bust.Nic,Wanted to see how you were doing... hopefully school is going well for you. Things here are alright, weather is wishy washy. I cannot wait until summer. I am actual looking in to getting a new job.. I need to be paid more. Also, I was thinking of places I would like to go on vacation and or people I would want to visit cause I know they are a good time and I thought of you. I would try and come with my friend M and wanted to see what you thought about it.. I do not know the date I would try and come. Alright, let me know what is new with you. I feel as though we haven't talked in a long time and to be honest, even when I saw you out that one night with J, you didn't really talk to me. : (Take care,R
Now KFP... holy shit KFP, I don't know what to say about this. This morning was not a good one, and yes I know, repression is a bitch when it all comes up. Regardless I wake up to this:
I bet you thought you never would hear from me again. Thanks for the email a while back that I never responded back to. I mean that in the best way. I never got back to you cause thats the way way I am and always have been. For me not being a hypocrite its always been easier just to cut all ties to my past when there has been anything more than friends involved. All that being said and done with I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I am alive.What's with this take care business!!! I don't even know where to start, or how to explain any of this.
I also wanted you to know that the only good times I had in D.C was after I met you. I had a blast even though I had a lot going on in my life at the time and a lot of changes came and went. Random story, but I still do have random weekends and weeks where it seems like fights find me just like when I was back there. I swear I eat up to much crap then I cant control it. Random, Random Random.
So a little about me. I am getting married to E, June 2nd this year!! Thats huge. We bought a house in [edit], my old home town (just where I want to be) in October and I got to test all my old skool construction skills. Not bad at all if you ask me. :) E graduated this december from [edit] which is nice so we dont have to continue to do the long distance thing.
My best friend decided to join the marine corp after I get out of the army. He just got back from Iraq last week and I went down south to San Diego last weekend to have a good time. I dont ever miss the Army one bit. I have never talked to [his ex] after all that stuff happened which i think is for the best since some of my lowest times was cause of her. (She is still the only girl to ever make me sad for such a long time)
This might sound wierd but I was looking through some old emails, like really old emails and I checked out one that you sent me to check out yahoo photos and it gave me full access to all your pics. I was happy to see you traveling throughout the world. Good for you. Are you Dr. [edit] yet? M looks rough, she needs to slow down and respect her body. I was tripping out on the pics of me that you still have on there.
I turned down the graphics job in S.F before I got out and linked up with my brother into the Mortgage business. I made a good living last year but this year has been rough with the way the mortgage business has been towards certain types of loans. I have a lot of stress with all my bills now. I am soon to be 27 too!!. I have gained some not so good weight but thats life for now, i was so involved with making money since I have been broke in the army for years I put my health on the back burner.
Saw that you were hashing, drinking beer out of your dirty stinky shoe. Good for you that was always a good time when I did that but it was always on a week night and i never really made any connections.
Do you ever see j, My old roomate? We had a falling out before I moved out. I saw on your my space that you still dont live in [edit]...:) remember I used to give you a hard time about that? where is [where i live] anyways?
You back being friends with your [branch of the military] friend CPE? I somehow feel bad for him for what I did to him after the years have gone by. I just hope that I was an experience for him not to be a dick to people he doesnt know cause there are people 100 million times tougher than me.
So thats about that. I hope all is well. Take care. KFP
First the e mail he mentioned was the one I sent him a year ago. I think I might have blogged about it, I don't remember (i probably did) where I mentioned I hadn't talked to him in a year. I had been avoiding/ignoring all contact efforts made by his part... which had stopped when he left the state (i'm assuming). [update: found the blog where I mentioned writing him, clicky]
E is the blonde 19 year old he left me for. She's probably 21 by now. Nice. Legal. I'm still bitter. damn him.
And basically what I got out of this is that he saw old pictures of us, saw new pictures of the cool life I'm living and realized what he lost. I'm cute dammit, and I am VERY photogenic.
So he's getting married, and he's reminiscing, probably deleting old e mails, and comes along my shit. Oh look, cute ass Nic prancing around half nekkid in a bikini, who hasn't gained weight, sees pictures of me partying when my girls came up, and probably saw my new years pics with navy.
You see I never use my yahoo account - my friends actually use it more that I do. We all have the password and stick up pictures on it to pass around instead of the weird e mailing thing. It's easier that way. He saw my hash run picture... lemme see if I can actually upload that:
Anyway, and his comment about CPE referred to a fight they got into. KFP had just got back from training, and we went to his old place of work (he moonlighted as a bouncer) to eat real quick before watching a movie. CPE knew he use to work there and I guess showed up that same night. I of course was still scared of CPE at this point, because he had stolen my dog, continuously called my phone, and refused to leave me alone. I saw him, told KFP we needed to leave, KFP went up to him to "ask him to leave" and was um... "escorted" out of his old bar. CPE didn't help the situation because he came straight for me hiding behind a big ass column, that drove KFP crazy so it took not one person to escort him out, but say... i dunno 5... with him screaming "don't fucking go near her!" and I tried to make my way out of the bar without CPE touching me. No good (sounds like a soap opera huh?).
Well idiot CPE came back 2 nights later after KFP had taken his phone number out of my phone (and i deleted it when I found out) and they... got into it. Cops came, I wasn't around thank god, and KFP came over with a tender hand telling me how he gave CPE a black eye. I dunno - it was a long story.
regardless... that's a lot of what happened while I wasn't blogging. Before and after.
So for him to come and e mail me now, after I've finally put him to rest (i think?) After I did a good job shoving all the emotion down to a place I rarely thought about it, HE DECIDES TO E MAIL ME AND TELL ME HE'S MARRYING THE LITTLE GIRL HE LEFT ME FOR?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
So my first reaction was shock, I saw it was from him, I did a mini freak out where I didn't read it, walked away from the computer, took a deep breath, and tried to figure out if I SHOULD read it.
Of course curiosity killed that cat.
When I read the line about him marrying that girl my heart dropped.
And I remembered all the hurt I'd felt and how much he'd broken me, and how long it took for me to feel I was pretty again. How I'd dated so many annoying guys to get over him, getting sick of them each after a month. How I finally became comfortable enough with myself to realize that I didn't need to be dating these losers. How long it took me to be comfortable being alone. Happy being alone.
2 years. It took 2 years.
And with that one line, he had me remembering everything and I started bawling.
Yes bawling.
Nice huh?
I tried to call M. She's the only one of the friends I have who was there for the KFP era. B came after and T... T always hated him so there's no way I could talk to her about it. And she didn't pick up. Neither did B.
So who did I talk to? Navy - idiot me.
He told me not to write back.
I don't like that subject.
Later I got a hold of B and M who both said write back. M told me it would be closure...
I don't even know what closure is.
You drank beer out of a shoe? That's all of that I can get to right now... My opinion of you is... in flux. ;-?
It was gross... and I wasn't even drinking beer for the run, I was drinking water. That's all the beer I had that night - a nice little SHOT from her shooooooooooooe! eee!
Yeah, the beer, hash thing had me a little confused as well.
My take is, you write him back if you want to. It's not closure unless you know it is. And I also think your thoughts about why he e-mailed are correct. Probably had some's coming up etc.
I still think about my ex. We're not talking really, and I'm much better about her now than I was. However, if I found out she was getting married, I'm sure I'd bawl. Then throw up. So I'm not sure we'll ever steel ourselves for that.
But that's really the big shoe that could drop, right? Him marrying that girl. He really can't get to you much after this.
Just my .02
Anyway... I don't think you really want my opinion on all of this. The short version is, if you're having a crisis over it, you shouldn't write back because you're going to end up trying to convince him to not get married, it won't work, and then you're going to be a serious mess... and you will do things that you regret because of it.
I've been the guy before the guy a girl married twice, arguably three times. They extricate from me (so far as I know, which, now that I think about it, is a pretty unpleasant insecurity to have) and are like "Now I need to be sure I never go through THAT again!" and marry the next guy they date. I got an email a while ago from an ex who got married to a guy she dated in high school after we disentangled. There's a kid. The timing is odd. That's all I have to say about that. She was looking me up on the web and wrote a long email commenting on something I wrote that she found online. It was a very accusatory email. I wrote back like "what the fuck are you talking about?" and she told me she was commenting on brief X. I said "Cool, you're stalking me..." and she lost her shit. Haven't talked to her since. Then there's the wierdness with PCG. And the Ugrad I dated in law school. There was this other scary Ugrad when I was in law school who was really, really, stalky-type into me.
I have 10.5 really wide (2E to 4E, depending on the manufacturer) feet. Because of this, getting shoes is a major pain in the ass. My Vietnamese little brother has been making fun of me lately because I still wear running shoes I got during law school... in 1997. I have worn the same style of boot since I was 15 (1991), and I have 8 or so pairs I just re-sole over and over. Drinking from my shoes could be fatal.
Whoah, whoah, whoah.... you asked your current phone sex buddy if you should write back to your former boyfriend because you're wrecked over your former boyfriend getting married? Are you 1) evil, 2) stupid, 3) trying to give this guy a complex, 4) trying to get him to dump you so you don't have to, or 5)oblivious?
1. I would never write him back trying to convince him to not get married. I really DON'T want to be with him. He just opened a box I thought I'd cemented shut. I have however written him back. I've answered most of his questions, congratulated him, and told him my life is right where I wanted it to be. Then I told him it would be nice if we kept it touch - but jokingly told him I'd try to update him once or twice a year. As in, we're not going to talk very often... but we're opening back up this door. I haven't sent it yet... maybe in a couple days.
You have to understand that unless this happened under my terms (as in the first time I e mailed him) it would've shocked me. Regardless if I were over it, married to David Beckham or whatever.
Navy and I have a weird relationship - I speak to him like a best friend, yet find him amazingly attractive. I haven't done that with a man in a very long time. I should blog about that... this comment is getting too long.
"I have however written him back...I haven't sent it yet... maybe in a couple days."
Either that's too much thinking, or I don't do enough thinking in these situations. Since I refuse to believe I'm wrong, too much thinking.
I think it might have been too much thinking, but safe regardless. Thoughts on why not to send it when I wrote it:
1. If I wrote him back while I was still all hung up about it, I would keep checking it
2. Too soon a response for something as personal as that. I needed time to think about what I was comfortable telling him.
I should really blog this...
I think you shouldn't respond... but I can't really justify this feeling. It might make him feel too good? Give him too much satisfaction? What if he's just waiting for you to say something wrong so that he can gloat about his decision to marry the girl?
If you can make him realize what a mistake it was to leave you, then great! But that also makes you semi-evil.
Anyway, I don't really know what I would do. Given your history, you're the only one who really knows what's the right thing to do, regardless of whether you do said thing or not.
Work is frying my brain cells. I don't seem to make sense.
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