Thursday, March 08, 2007

48 days

I'm currently sitting at the little cafe on campus waiting for the dean of students. Today we're going to the police station - the whole stalker thing has gotten out of hand.

Yeah I freaked out the first day, and maybe even the second time it happened... but now it's become to casual - not to mention there was a car I didn't know sitting outside my house monday night honking for about an hour each time on two different occasions.

So last night a friend came over, and they concluded that the asshat calls me whenever he thinks I'm alone, or atleast does the drive by. Then one of my roommate's left and the second she did my friend's phone rang from a withheld number. She didn't pick up and the message seemed to be from a local. It scared them, me? Not so much. People call wrong numbers all the time right? Besides, asshat's voice has an american accent, NOT antiguan.

So they continue to freak themselves out hardcore while we should be studying EKG's, and finally they get me to call the neighbor boys to come over. I call and ask one of them to just come over and study with us. He said ok.

The second they knew he was coming, their fear was heightened, the lights went off, and they sat by the window looking for him. I went into the kitchen to make sandwiches - he came about 15 minutes later, and they filled me in.

Somewhere between him showing up and them freaking out, I too got sucked in. I was sitting in the kitchen making sandwiches when I thought I heard something in the back yard. So I freak out a little and jump into the dining room where I could see them talking about asshat. Then I realize I'm being dumb, go back in the kitchen and listen again - and AGAIN I hear something in the back yard. So to prevent myself from going crazy I go back and intend on asking them to come into the kitchen with me so I'm not alone. Mid sentence the door to my roommate's room opens (the one that had left an hour before) and I just yelp omg, run towards them with what I am told later "the most horrible facial expression" and proceed to hyperventilate, then cry, then laugh, then cry some more, then shake a little more... and then laugh - hysterically.

The guy that was over checked it out and said no one was there - it was a gust of wind.


Oh that's nice. I never cry or do any of that bullshit, and in front of 3 people I had a nice little break down. PERFECT.

So I said fuck it, and I called the dean of students, and now we're going to the police station.

Asshat also called me last night at 4 in the morning.
I hate him.

3:48 AM
me: "hello?"
me realizing it's him, with a withheld number
me slamming the hang up button
me realizing i clicked the hang up button too many times, and that i'd erased the evidence.
me freaked out till about 5 AM

me waking up around 7:45 late, slept through 2 alarms, and now here, waiting, to go to the freakin police station... and find out who this MFer is.

I hate you asshat

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