Tuesday, August 15, 2006

MY bracelet

The night before TB left I took of MY bracelet - the one I'd been wearing in antigua since almost day one - and hid it in his luggage.

He just found it while unpacking and called to let me know he thought it was priceless - he didn't know my weird story with the bracelets... I didn't even really associate my bracelet with the previous events until right about now.

I had just wanted to give him a part of me to take home.

oooooooooh boy.

I had also hidden a shell I'd written some cute notes on in some shoes he had left at my house not thinking he was going to wear them... yeah he did, he didn't understand what the painful sharp thing digging into his toe was until he took off his shoes and the pretty broken shell pieces fell out in flakes. That was nice... whoops.


Galactichero said...

I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the brutal voice of truth. I am the galactichero.

... and you might be retarded.

Nic said...

atleast i'm amusing.

I took some cool video of the pelicans diving on my back porch, but you can kinda see TB in it...

+ i don't know where I can host it without losing my annonimity.

bah humbug

you'd like it though G

Galactichero said...

Retarded people are often amusing.

Pelicans are also called "seacows" cause they crap anywhere, and if you snorkel, that can be dangerous. Why would I like video of pelicans?

Nic said...

you like weird nature-like things

i've been trying to capture a dreaded tarantula for you - the other day one was spotted in the girls bathroom and i sprinted over there with my trusty camera, all in vain.

Then when I couldn't find the massive arachnoid I freaked out and ran out of the bathroom.

...it was going to sneak attack me. I KNOW it

hairy 8 legged creature trapped in my hair would NOT be a good thing.

Galactichero said...

Unlikely to sneak attack you.

I was just outside and I grabbed an errant tomato growing by my house, and I grabbed a bigass spider with green and white markings on it. Freaked me out a bit. I don't like spiders much.

Last weekend there was a hugeass black widow eating a bigass moth in my friend's backyard, so I took the two and 5 year olds in and told their
'rents. They were like "did you kill it?" and I said "no, why?" and they said "WHY NOT!??!?!?!?" and I said, "why yes? It's a living thing." And then I realized that there were two small children who were highly interested in it, and that it presented a great danger, so I killed it. If not for the infants, I would have left it alone.

Nic said...

do you understand how big these tarantulas are?

and they're fast too... EEK!

actually i'm not too scared of them. I just don't want them near me.

Galactichero said...

They eat birds. You're too big. They're scared of you... like the rest of us, you unstable, retarded, freak.

Almost all bugs are fast. I'm not entirely sure why that is....

Nic said...

i told you i wasn't scared of it

but i am SURE when one does (and it will) fall in my hair, it will get stuck.

And I'll freak out.

A lot.


pluds they have fangs, so i wont even want to touch it to get it out.

*side note* when I was 4 I held a tarantula at the zoo. Freaked my mother out. Apparently I wasn't supposed to. I liked it. I always do things that frighten me... I like the feeling of my heart beating fast

Galactichero said...

... SOOOO many things to play with there...

When I was about 1.5 my sister and I had a picture taken at the Detroit zoo with her holding an ocelot. I look stoned in that picture.

Caro said...

here i thought i'd be commenting on bracelets and sea shells and happy things.

...but i can't get the image of a tarantula out of my head.

so now i'm going to hide under my covers and pray that they don't attack me as i hide from them.

Galactichero said...

They like being under covers. Warm, dark, dry, craggy places. You're better off being on the bed without covers. And shake out your shoes in the morning... scorpions.

Where were you, anyway?

Caro said...

in a work bubble.
and at hypnosis. just trying to get rid of my new fears of critters.

how you doing, nic??

Galactichero said...

I go into a work bubble tomorrow, with Monday deadlines and serious pressure. Hence tonight I will likely be playing pool and drinking...

You went to hypnosis for fear of critters? Really? Hypnosis is cool. Does it work?

What caused NEW fear of critters?

Nic said...

i'm going to fail my second semester of medical school.

i hate finals

Galactichero said...

Eh, you don't need medical school. You're moving to Germany, where they've socialized medicine anyway.

Wah. I'm going to get fired. Trade you...

I loooooooove finals. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them. I'm going to go back to engineering school one of these years, I promise you. I've been accepted to two schools a total of 3 times, so that's not the issue. I'm scared of change (and poverty). That's the issue. Which is ironic, because I've changed jobs almost as many times as I've changed underwear in the last ten years.

This pair's getting sort of crusty. Time to change jobs again...

New laptop has weird keyboard feel... and a built in webcam, which I am covering with tape as I type... I'm a little paranoid.

Galactichero said...

something weird about this setup won't let me leave messages on your message-ie thing. SUCK.

Caro said...

i'm not going to give you credit for critter fear. but...

good luck with finals, nic. the delirium of it all blows...

PinkBunny said...

I was going to comment on the cute bracelet and the backfired shell ideas... but you guys are just freaking me out.

I'm afraid of all critter things. Not sure why. They give me nightmares. Yikes. Should've resisted clicking on these comments.

Galactichero said...

At my house there are kajillions of huge wood spiders. Nothing tarantula-esque though.

I want credit for critter fear. Gimme. NOW!

Nic said...

*ahem* didn't I bring up the tarantula?

just checking...

Galactichero said...

Tarantulas are WAAAAY over THERE though... Black widows and wood spiders are right in my front yard, menacing my adoptive infant siblings.

Galactichero said...

Who the hell are you?

PinkBunny said...

G, you're so funny. The world revolves around you.