Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fail harder

Yes well - I guess I'm not use to curves.

My whole life I've been accustomed to grades which reflected only one or two questions wrong per test, giving my averages in the 90's and at worst in the 80's. Here, however, one must be use to failing everything it seems. The difference is, you must somehow see how BADLY you're failing vs. the rest of the class.

Though I thought I did terribly by nic standards on my finals, compared to my class, and the united states in general - I knew my shit.

That astounds me.

I am happy to inform you all that in one short week I will be starting my second year of medical school.

Apparently our microbiology teacher is the DEVIL... I am not looking forward to this.

1 comment:

Galactichero said...

Yeah. Remember my accounting class?

Fail harder.