Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pink is the new blog

My sorority little sister, and my panda pal somehow smoozled their ways into getting their pictures onto pink is the new blog. She was quite happy about it. It was panda's 22nd. How obsessive can you get haha?

anyway... just boasting. They're the 2 hotties holding a chocolate cake. :) I miss home

Saturday, September 23, 2006


So I am a typical girl. Hormones will eventually drive me crazy. The sadness I felt earlier in the week that i attributed to lack of attention actually had to do with my hormonal peaks leading to the visitation of my "friend" a little earlier than usual.

That's nice.

School hasn't been too stressful so far. Though I do have a complaint about each of my professors, I know that it's a much more feasible semester than the last one.

The micro professor WILL drive me crazy. I don't like people who don't know what they're talking about. He made us pay 100$ for his "intellectual notes" - i.e. the powerpoints he goes over in class, and they are probably the most unorganized pieces of chollera bacillus i have ever seen. It takes me an enternity to go over the 200 slides he does in a day and ORGANIZE them in a way that I will be able to digest the information. That's nice. Then he sits there and shouts the information at us, while sneakily reading it. UGH.

The pathology teacher is adorable. He does care if we pass our shelf, and tries to incorporate systemic with the general pathology we're doing now - but he too is unorganized and i am forced to read the book to clarify. This is no tiny book ladies and gents... it's robbins, a MILLION pages long - and heavy to boot. I have to tote that sucker around campus every day, no bueno. But I like the class, its interactive and I learn.

Behavioral is normal psych - but he only goes over things he likes in class... so I'm responsible for other things and I can't just take notes to learn - bah humbug.

That's it - I'm actually just trying to procrastinate so I don't have to organize my notes for micro.

oh yeah - and I got access to a repeater. Probably the best invention in the world for poor students like me. It enables me to steal internet. It's tite, I love it. Buuuut, I have to borrow it every night if i want it. Oh well - cheap.

I'm also moving in 2 months closer to campus. The new place is amazing, and has a great view. I won't be right on the beach or have the water right behind my house like I do now, but I take it for granted now and I'd rather be near school

My life is dull, oh well - there's my update

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Ireland/Germany vs. Freedom...

I'm not happy. Relationships are about being happy. He's too busy, and I'm too... whatever I am it's not happy.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The girlfriend rant...

yes I know - I know i know i know, but not only am I procrastinating, but I haven't been paid attention to, so here we go.


The boyfriend is doing all kinds of shenanigans and isn't paying attention to me. :( He DOES have legit reasons:

1. starting his new business
2. a crapload of business/language/idon'tcareijustwanthimtopayattentiontome classes
3. time difference.
4. blow me

but he doesn't GIVE ME A GOD DAMNED SCHEDULE! Then he calls me on his cell phone drunk ($$$) which he can't afford and tells me how much he misses me, and how we need to talk to more.


so basically the little shit wants me to be on the internet 24/7 so that IF he does log into skype I'll be on call to set up the video cam and talk to him.

unfortunately, MYYYYYYYYY schedule will be getting pretty hectic starting next week. With atleast 3 quizes a week in pathology and micro, tests up my ass, and a minor behavioral science annoyance... time will not be this easily given.

things don't look too good kids. Atleast I still know I get a free trip to ireland for new years, and germany in may.





*side note* there are a million new kids at school this semester. The gods have been friendly after giving me a lack of fresh meat last semester. BUT MUST THEY PROVIDE SAID MEAT WHEN I'VE "COMMITTED". I'm trying here!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!

i've counted... 10 hotties. That's alot for our small island. Weeeeeeell, by my standards, only 2 REAL hotties, but I counted the cute ones too.

2 have already asked me to study with them. I told them i don't study at school (which I do, I just hide in a back room)



Tuesday, September 05, 2006

inflamed lymphatic? I hope so...

I was taking off my shorts, preparing for an awkwards night sleep on the couch (the parents and sister + friend were visiting) when in the dark my nail brushed against it.

"OW!!! - dammit, i got another ingrown hair."

Have I ever mentioned how much i HATE shaving. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I am a waxer. I wax EVERYTHING when given the opportunity. I HATE HATE HATE shaving.

*on with the blog*
So of course the first thing I do when I feel an ingrown hair is sqeeze. Holy mother of jesus that thing exploded. I grumble a couple of curse words, do to the bathroom and finally turn on a light wipe my hands and look and the thing when I notice how large the area is.

"it's not a lump, it's probably an inflamed lymph nodule" i say to myself so I don't freak out.

I decide to sleep it off.

The next morning my "lump" is larger. Still hoping it's an inflammed lymphatic,
i sqeeze again.

I've repeated this every morning for the past couple of days.

The lump hasn't gone away, and nothing is coming out of it anymore.

Yesterday I begin to freak a little. My mother, my aunts, my grandmother, all have had a run in with cancer. I begin to take my genetics into consideration as i try to examine the ingrown hair from hell. Self diagnosis is a bitch.

Last night i applied antibiotic the area the ingrown hair had been (now pretty much gone) I picked off the scab (basically dug a new whole) and dumped bactine all over that sucker.

This morning the lump is smaller. I figure it's still an inflammed lymph nodule and decide my current treatment is working.

we'll see... i'm giving it another week before i might freak again and try to get a ticket to the states for a check up.
