I swear, my mother is going to be the death of me. The woman will not give up! Understood I’m her first born. Understood she wants the best for me. Under-FUCKING-stood but SERIOUSLY! MUST SHE CALL ME EVERY 2 MINUTES!
Lets back track a little. I’m a recent college grad (May 2004). I am taking a year off before heading out to med school. I TOOK A YEAR OFF SO I CAN ATLEAST MAKE AN ATTEMPT AT HAVING A LIFE BEFORE I GIVE UP ANOTHER 9 YEARS IN MY ATTEMPTS AT BECOMING A DOCTOR.
I.e. This year is meant for drinking, and more drinking, and ahem, MORE DRINKING, to the point where I hope only pictures will help me remember the fun I’ve had. I want it out of my system before I sit down like a good little girl and study all the time… again. I don’t want responsibilities. I want a stupid mindless job, like being a waitress, to tide my money issues over, AND ONCE AGAIN NO RESPONSIBILITIES!
My mother’s translation:
1. Now I can find you a husband. I will make you meet everyone I know that has a lot of money and make them call you all the time. If you don’t like them, tough, I’ll tell someone else to call you because you’re pretty and men like that. (GAG ME, I don’t have any trouble finding men mom, I don’t want to date anyone here if I’M LEAVING!)
2. GREAT! Now you can come and work for ME! How about you do everything I SAY, and I yell at you and call you IRRESPONSIBLE if you don’t. (The POINT of this year is for me to be irresponsible. I’M SICK OF FUCKING BEING RESPONSIBLE!)
3. Ok if you don’t want to work for me, I’ll get you a job at my office. Yes you must come at 6 AM and leave at 7PM or I’ll yell at you, even though you don’t have to be there, ever. (She’s so fucking persistant I went and got my real estate license because she nagged me to. I didn’t even fucking study for the test and passed. Wanna know why? Because the shit is easy, all ya’ll who didn’t pass the first time are IDIOTS!)
Now I’m screening all my calls. If you’re not saved in my phone book, you better leave a message or I’m never calling back. I think my mother has called me atleast 30 times today, as well as my “boss” and his “assistant”. I think they’re calling because I won’t answer her calls. Her fucking ring-tone is DRIVING ME CRAZY!
And seriously I can do well on my own. I already have clients, I’ve already made deals. I AM A BIG GIRL DAMMIT! I pay for my own apartment. I paid my way through college (except the last year… she helped with that). I am self dependent right now. I even pay for my father’s cell phone! Why won’t she stop calling? WHY! WHY!!!!
She wants me to work on weekends. No really. WEEKENDS!!! Now this would be fine saaaaaay afternoon. She calls me 6:30AM last sat, the convo goes a little like so:
Are you going to come in today?
Honey you don’t sound too good? What’s wrong?
I have a headache.
OH NO! I’m coming right over, are you getting sick, why do you sound groggy
*This is where I drop the phone and scream really loud into my pillow*
No. No. Mom, it’s fine. I think I just need sleep…. Please please please let me sleep.
Well you need to stop being irresponsible and come in here and do blah and blah and blah for me… oh yeah and can you blah for me?
I’ll be in later mom
Mom… it’s 7:30 on a Saturday
*Insert guilt trip here*
I raised you, and I’ve been looking out for you, and you wouldn’t have this job if it weren’t for me and blah and blah and more and more blah.
*Insert more screams into pillow from my side here*
I threw my phone across my room at 8:30.
9:00 AM
Oh god Please save me.
No really I’m dying I can’t stand her anymore.
I tried being nice! I DID! I went to work just like I was supposed to Monday and Tuesday like a good little girl.
I got fed up with her, and we had another fight Tues, and I told her I wasn’t going back to the office until I needed to, and that I refused to go in to sit on my ass and do absolutely nothing when I’m not getting paid. I can do the same things at the office I can do at home, I AM AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR! Besides I have TV and CL at home.
Please oh please help me.
I’m scared to turn my phone back on. I REALLY AM!
...I’m going to get really drunk tonight, and take a lot of pictures.
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