Thursday, October 28, 2004
KP Part 1 - The Beginning
KP is THAT guy. You know the one. The one you know is no good for you, who won't commit, and doesn't plan on committing. The one that tells you if he was READY for a girlfriend it would be you, but he isn't so you're not. The one you can't get enough of, and that no other guy compares to no matter how many times you try to move on after every time he hurts you. Yeah, KP is THAT guy.
He was an accident. In fact, at the time I was hoping to do the same to him that he's now doing to me.
March 26 (you know I have it bad when I know the exact date we met) - me trying to rid myself of a psycho ex - boyfriend you all know as the idiot who stole my dog, I find myself with best friend JT and former elementary school buddy JK at a random bar (we were supposed to party it up in GTown so I dressed up). JT notices the bouncer and mentions how atleast the night isn't going to be a total waste since he's some pretty good eye candy... I don't find him THAT attractive. I proceed to get drunk. I hate my ex.
JT mentions how the bouncer keeps looking over at her. I see him walk by and stare and I drink more of my LIT (I'm sipping because I'm a light weight). I think he's weird because he's staring... infact, I notice ALL the bouncers staring and I get to the point where I'm drunk enough and stare back. JT kicks me and tells me he's coming over and to talk to her. He walks right up, introduces himself and gives me this line (no joke)
"Are those your real eyes? Because I've been staring at them all night."
He swears to this day he never said this. I can't confirm because I was answering the first question in my drunken state showing him in fact they weren't my real eyes. JT and JK were laughing at his line. They swear to this day he did. They still get in fights over it.
The line worked I guess, because we talked a little and then he asked for my number. JT was kicking me a lot (I had the bruises to prove it) she got mad that for once I got hit on first, by the guy she was eyeing. I figured I always played wingman, and that it was her turn... that and I didn't care much for him. He kept walking back and forth talking more to JT than me and eventually invited us back to his place after the bar closed because he was having "people over." JT and I decide why not, he might have hot friends, JK declines and goes home.
After the bar closes JT and I get into her car and follow KP and bouncer friend Gary (the two of them were the only "people" going back to his house) back to his house. We decided she saw him first and that we'd pull the old switcheroo. I didn't care, he wasn't even really my type. He was too "big." Our we have to leave phrase was "Lets go get Dave tickets." because honestly, Dave tickets were going on sale, and we were going to camp out to get some. That meant one of us was uncomfortable and it was time to vamanos.
*side note* I like my guys tall and skinny built. Not gross or anything, but I like lean muscle. KP was just a taaaaad bigger than my liking. He's as hard as rock though, and I've now come to my senses that whatever I liked before is nothing compared to his body. It's perfect.
He lived down the street from the bar and walking into his house, we realized we had 2 very drunk girls, and 2 very not so drunk bouncers. What does that mean? Drinking games. I decide to get them just as fucked up as we are.
JT puts on her moves and KP discovers that both she and him like red wine, and as she starts up the convo with him, I serve both guys booze and make fun of them a lot. I hate being drunk alone. I act dumb.
On a beer run from the dining room to the kitchen KP corners me... and we talked. Damn. Gary being the good wingman he was for the night, swoops down on JT and there she blows. The guys lay their claim and mission switcheroo is no longer in progress.
I discover KP is a nice guy. I being the stupid drunk I am open up to him and tell him a lot more than I tell any other bouncer I just happen to meet, and to my surprise he tells me a ton about himself that many people didn't know.
JT interrupt our moment to tell me "WE HAVE TO GET DAVE TICKETS!!! NOW!!!" Apparently I got Gary drunk a little too fast... and JT was coming down off her drunkeness, Gary was no fun. That and he was ugly, with the weirdest teeth I have EVER seen. KP not getting put over states he and Gary are coming too. This is at 4 in the morning.
We go to Ticket Master/Hecht's. There is no one there. Now, I don't know about you guys, but about 4 years ago when I was in high school, we CAMPED out for tickets. If you got there later that say 11 PM the night before a big dave concert, you weren't getting tickets... We pull into an empty parking lot, no fun camping parties, no people to talk to, and it was cold. Camping out for tickets sucks.
After 30 minutes JT said she wanted something, I don't remember what, and says she has to go get it. Gary states he's going with her. KP and I are left alone to talk. We bond a little more. He's nice.
They come back. KP and I decide to make a run to his house for blankets and sweatshirts and hats, because i'm freezing and still wearing my outfit from the night before. That means heels, tight red pants, big black chandelier earrings, and makeup. I hate makeup. I want the makeup OFF MY FACE. And I'm cold. Gimmie big boy sweats and a baseball cap NOW!
Now the events at his house are what takes this random encounter from random, don't care if I hear from him again, to don't know if I like him or not. Up to this point he was a fun guy, possible friend material IF I ever spoke to him again. I WAS NOT looking for someone else to jump into ANY type of relationship with.
We go to his house, and he immediately goes to the kitchen. He calls back to me, "Now what I'm about to do might gross you out, but I have to do it." I'm thinking the worst here. What have I gotten myself into? I'm picturing him popping needles into his arm to shoot up heroin, or some other type of nonesense and I coming down off my drunken state wonder if I should really be alone with this guy in his house after meeting him a couple hours before. I walk into the kitchen, and what is he doing?
He's eating tuna. From the can. I hate tuna. EW!
I start laughing. He gets a little self concious explaining how he HAS to eat tuna or his body will eat itself because he works out so much and blah and blah. I don't stop laughing... I was kinda shocked thinking he was shooting up heroin and I find him eating tuna. He stops eating. I laugh harder.
I notice his tattoo...
I stop laughing.
Now I have never liked the idea of tattoos... I just don't think they're practical for later in life. I think if you have it, it should be hideable so that you're able to lead a professional life in the future. With that being said, his extends from his shoulder to below his elbow on his left arm. It has his last name down his tricep with designs in between, and ghost flames down his forearm. I force him to show me all of it, and off comes the shirt.
I notice the tattoo on his other arm. Its a symbol he drew with flames.
He then shows me the one on his back. This one is HOT. It has since become my favorite, and I seem to always get yelled at when he's trying to sleep and I stay up outlining it...
I don't like tattoos... I decide here I'm just going to be his friend.
He goes upstairs to change and brush his teeth (he smelled like tuna!). He invites me up. I decline. I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! Then I realize he's probably telling me to come up for sweats... I run up the stairs. I was fiddling around with the stuff on his dresser when he comes out of the bathroom, and just plants one on me.
Now it's been a long time since I've kissed someone and felt butterflies.
I have so many butterflies I think I was going to pass out.
This is great.
I'm really happy.
Cell phone rings... and by that time things were a little heated, and HE says maybe we should slow down. WHA? Respect earned right here - fine line between I label you friend to I want to date you passed here.
* disclaimer * We were still FULLY CLOTHED but our kissing had excalated to makeout level.
JT wants to know where we are. Gary had asked her if she was going to kiss him now that they were alone. She didn't likey.
We go back to Ticket Master... JT hates me. She didn't like bonding with Gary. He sucks.
Later a couple of things happen not worth mentioning. JT went into bitch mode, KP and Gary having started drinking after us went into annoying/embarrassing drunk mode, and me? I went into sleepy mode. (During a mini-nap I overheard KP say "I'm glad she's a cute sleeper." - I start laughing. He gets caught and blames me for pretending to sleep. I laugh harder.)
We bought our tickets, and parted our own separate ways.
KP sent me a text a couple hours later "I had a good time."
It made me smile...
He called me for a date later that night... thats where I got sucked in.
continued in later blogs.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
If I hear that ring tone ONE MORE TIME
I swear, my mother is going to be the death of me. The woman will not give up! Understood I’m her first born. Understood she wants the best for me. Under-FUCKING-stood but SERIOUSLY! MUST SHE CALL ME EVERY 2 MINUTES!
Lets back track a little. I’m a recent college grad (May 2004). I am taking a year off before heading out to med school. I TOOK A YEAR OFF SO I CAN ATLEAST MAKE AN ATTEMPT AT HAVING A LIFE BEFORE I GIVE UP ANOTHER 9 YEARS IN MY ATTEMPTS AT BECOMING A DOCTOR.
I.e. This year is meant for drinking, and more drinking, and ahem, MORE DRINKING, to the point where I hope only pictures will help me remember the fun I’ve had. I want it out of my system before I sit down like a good little girl and study all the time… again. I don’t want responsibilities. I want a stupid mindless job, like being a waitress, to tide my money issues over, AND ONCE AGAIN NO RESPONSIBILITIES!
My mother’s translation:
1. Now I can find you a husband. I will make you meet everyone I know that has a lot of money and make them call you all the time. If you don’t like them, tough, I’ll tell someone else to call you because you’re pretty and men like that. (GAG ME, I don’t have any trouble finding men mom, I don’t want to date anyone here if I’M LEAVING!)
2. GREAT! Now you can come and work for ME! How about you do everything I SAY, and I yell at you and call you IRRESPONSIBLE if you don’t. (The POINT of this year is for me to be irresponsible. I’M SICK OF FUCKING BEING RESPONSIBLE!)
3. Ok if you don’t want to work for me, I’ll get you a job at my office. Yes you must come at 6 AM and leave at 7PM or I’ll yell at you, even though you don’t have to be there, ever. (She’s so fucking persistant I went and got my real estate license because she nagged me to. I didn’t even fucking study for the test and passed. Wanna know why? Because the shit is easy, all ya’ll who didn’t pass the first time are IDIOTS!)
Now I’m screening all my calls. If you’re not saved in my phone book, you better leave a message or I’m never calling back. I think my mother has called me atleast 30 times today, as well as my “boss” and his “assistant”. I think they’re calling because I won’t answer her calls. Her fucking ring-tone is DRIVING ME CRAZY!
And seriously I can do well on my own. I already have clients, I’ve already made deals. I AM A BIG GIRL DAMMIT! I pay for my own apartment. I paid my way through college (except the last year… she helped with that). I am self dependent right now. I even pay for my father’s cell phone! Why won’t she stop calling? WHY! WHY!!!!
She wants me to work on weekends. No really. WEEKENDS!!! Now this would be fine saaaaaay afternoon. She calls me 6:30AM last sat, the convo goes a little like so:
Are you going to come in today?
Honey you don’t sound too good? What’s wrong?
I have a headache.
OH NO! I’m coming right over, are you getting sick, why do you sound groggy
*This is where I drop the phone and scream really loud into my pillow*
No. No. Mom, it’s fine. I think I just need sleep…. Please please please let me sleep.
Well you need to stop being irresponsible and come in here and do blah and blah and blah for me… oh yeah and can you blah for me?
I’ll be in later mom
Mom… it’s 7:30 on a Saturday
*Insert guilt trip here*
I raised you, and I’ve been looking out for you, and you wouldn’t have this job if it weren’t for me and blah and blah and more and more blah.
*Insert more screams into pillow from my side here*
I threw my phone across my room at 8:30.
9:00 AM
Oh god Please save me.
No really I’m dying I can’t stand her anymore.
I tried being nice! I DID! I went to work just like I was supposed to Monday and Tuesday like a good little girl.
I got fed up with her, and we had another fight Tues, and I told her I wasn’t going back to the office until I needed to, and that I refused to go in to sit on my ass and do absolutely nothing when I’m not getting paid. I can do the same things at the office I can do at home, I AM AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR! Besides I have TV and CL at home.
Please oh please help me.
I’m scared to turn my phone back on. I REALLY AM!
...I’m going to get really drunk tonight, and take a lot of pictures.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
To the IDIOT who stole my dog thinking it would win me back.
Now you have a death in the family, and you say I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM. News flash, I MOVED. NO PETS ALLOWED. Idiot. I'd love to take my puppy back, change my number, and never have to deal with you again, but I can't. No I will not drive all the way out to fucking LORTON and walk my poor pooch once or twice a day. I don’t have enough time to waste 40 minutes on commute EACH WAY twice a day because you don’t have any friends to help you out. I have a life, and THE BIGGEST TEST OF MY FUCKING LIFE in 5 days. Hear that idiot? 5 DAYS! Maybe you don't understand this, but the MCATS ARE HARD. They require some attention so I can ACTUALLY HAVE A FUTURE. Unlike you. You fucking loser.
In some ways I think this is another ploy to find out where I live. I DON'T TELL YOU WHERE I LIVE BECAUSE I THINK YOU'RE PSYCHOTIC. STOP ASKING ME. Stop asking me how many bedrooms, what exit I'm off of 395, how much rent I pay... you scare me. And the whole line with friends should know where friends live is valid, IF YOU WERE MY FRIEND.
I understand you might find this surprising seeing how I talk to you sometimes... when you call me crying. I don't have the heart to tell you to grow up and get a life. I pity your current girlfriend. I pity whoever you impregnate. I pity your offspring. But most of all I pity my poor puppy.
YOU STOLE MY PUPPY YOU ASSHOLE and now there's no way I can get him back. He loves me more and you hate it. He listens to me when I give him commands, and he shits all over your apartment.
Take that.
Good puppy.
Friday, October 08, 2004
I'm jumping on the band wagon and doing one of these things. I'm in dire need of a release of some sort, and I guess this is another way of doing it. I think maybe over the next couple of days I'll post some of my craigslist posts which I previously posted in the rants and raves section. Those have always been anonymous, but I guess I have a good way of putting things into words since I seem to always make the best of section. Aren't I special? :).
Anyway, this will either be a great place for my stories to live, or end up being my own personal journal... In which case I'll block ALL OF YOU from entering (hah). You know that won't happen. Will the real Nic please stand up?
There is always more to people than anyone can imagine. I'm pretty sure every one of my friends knows one side of me. Each one of them viewing me from a different angle, with only the rare few seeing each side, and putting together the whole complex shape that forms me. This blog scares me, because I'm sure people will see different sides of me they didn't know exist... And I guess I'll just have to live with that (or hope no one figures out it's me!).
With that said, enjoy my blog and leave plenty of comments. I like attention :).